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History of Polfa Warszawa S.A.

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In the gardens of the Krasiński Palace, the earliest predecessor of Polfa Warszawa – Instytut Wód Mineralnych Sztucznych (The Institute of Artificial Mineral Waters) begins its operations.


Multiple pharmaceutical companies are created and consolidated in the capital city, including the prominent Towarzystwo Przemysłu Chemiczno-Farmaceutycznego d. Mgr Klawe (Association of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of M.Sc. Klawe) and Warszawskie Towarzystwo Akcyjne "Motor" (The Warsaw Share Association "Motor").


Działania wojenne zmuszają zakłady farmaceutyczne do ograniczenia produkcji. Niemieckie władze okupacyjne zajmują fabrykę przy ul. Karolkowej. Po upadku Powstania Warszawskiego dochodzi do zburzenia prawie wszystkich budynków i zniszczenia całej przedwojennej dokumentacji zakładów.


Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Organicznego i Farmaceutycznego (Union of the Organic and Pharmaceutical Industry) is created encompassing all the operating companies producing pharmaceutical goods. It is the first step of the communist authorities in the process of liquidating private ownership of pharmaceutical companies.


The Union starts to operate under a new name – Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Farmaceutycznego (Union of the Pharmaceutical Industry).


On the grounds of the Plant No. 1 (located at the Karolkowa Street 22/24), a state owned company under the name of Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne (Warsaw Pharmaceutical Works) is created.


The logo – used still today – of the Warsaw Polfa: a mermaid (the symbol of Warsaw) with the Aesculapius serpent (the symbol of pharmacy) in a circle is registered in the Patent Office.


The name Warszawskie Zakłady Farmaceutyczne "Polfa" is used for the first time.


Przedsiębiorstwo Doświadczalnego Przemysłu Farmaceutycznego "Polfa" (Experimental Pharmaceutical Industry Company "Polfa") joins the structures of WZF Polfa.


The systemic transformation together with the political and economic changes bring a thorough modernization of the company. Gradually, the highest standards in the production of medicines applied in the European Union are being implemented in the company.


Polfa Warszawa receives the international GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certificate confirming the effectiveness of the changes implemented, acknowledging the highest international standard of quality of the medicines manufactured.


The company operating so far as a state owned entity becomes transformed into a sole-shareholder company of the State Treasury.


Polfa Warszawa SA as one of the three companies, together with Polfa Tarchomin and Polfa Pabianice, is included in the Polski Holding Farmaceutyczny (Polish Pharmaceutical Holding). Today, Polski Holding Farmaceutyczny SA owns 80% of the shares of Polfa Warszawa SA, 5.5% of the company shares belong to the State Treasury, and 14.5% belong to the employees.


PHF S.A. announces a tender for consultants: a privatization and a legal consultant. The privatization process of Polfa Warszawa S.A. begins.


The shares of Polfa Warszawa S.A. are moved to Polpharma. Since that moment Polfa has been part of the Polpharma Group.


Polfa celebrates the 190th anniversary.


Construction began on a new sterile forms pharmaceutical production plant. In Duchnice, near Warsaw, one of the most innovative pharmaceutical plants in Europe is being built.